Pagi-pagi banget pok Mine ude ngegerutu. Sambil mapakin daon siri nyang diye petik di samping rumenye die ngedumel aje kendirian. Kedengeran sayup-sayup ke orang lagi ngegerendeng, kagak’ kedengeran ape nyang keluar dari mulutnye. Si Rukoye anaknye yang paling tue baru aje rapi ngejermurin baju. Begitu diye denger tuh mulut enyaknye nyang pagi-pagi ude bebunyian ke kaleng rombeng jadi ikutan sewot, abisane dari pagi cape nyuci, ngepel, nyapu ude gitu ngejemur cucian, eh masing aje ditambe kedenger irame musiknye orang nyang kaga’ ketauan ujung pangkalnye.
“Nyak, semalem makan ape sik pagi-pagi bute ude gerendengan aje kendirian. Lagi ribut ame Babe ape?”, tanye si Rukoye sambil ngangkutin ember plastik pating ngejemurin cucian tadi. Baju bagian belakange keliatan basah kene cipratan cucian sewaktu diye ngejemur tadi.
“E.. Koy, enyak bilangin ye ame elu, enti kalu elu nyari laki jangan ke Babelu tuh. Baru timbang punye duit lebih aje ude kepikiran buat nyari bini lagi. Waktu masing dedemenan dulu bilange aje paling setie mo nungguin ampe Gue tue. Na jebule baru timbang urusan tane encang Juki lu tembus eh je ude berandei-andei punye bini bahenol. Amit-amit cabang bayi deh.
Bang Madun nyang sedari pagi ngedengerin bacot bininye dari dalem kamar sontak aje bangun dan ngegulung kaen nyang barusan dipake keredongan seabis diye sembayang subuh. Lantas aje, Bang Madun maranin bininye sambil ngucek-ngucek matenye nyang ketutup ame belek. “Eh Rukoye, jangan percaye omongan Enyak lu tu, sape nyang punye niat mo kawin lagi? Elu juge Mine.. masa’ omongan orang becande aje lu masupin di ati. Enti kalu ampe kedengeran ame Nya’ Gaye ame Babe Kodir pan bise berabe. Bise-bise gue dipecat jadi mantu. Paye juge lu ah”, komentar Bang Madun sebel.
“Lha entu nyang semalem Abang omongin ke aye pake bawe-bawe masalah ustad Duloh nyang kawin lagi ngedapetin muridnye nyang jande ape maksudnye? Nape pake bilang ke aye kalu ngedapetin bini secakep kaya’ bini mudenye ustad Duloh juge abang mau?” , tanya pok Mine membele dirinye.
“Lha, Abang pan cuman bilang lelaki mane sik nyang kagak mau ngedapetin bini kayak bini mudenye ustad Duloh, mane lagi tuh perempuan cakep, alim, anak turunan orang kaye dan terpandang, pinter, bekas model lagi. Kan jarang ade nyang mau orang perempuan ke gitu mau dijadiin bini kedue, bukane ngomongin Abang mo kawin lagi..” sambutnye Bang Madun ngeyakinin bininye nyang mulai sewot.
“Emange, Abang bener mau ngedapetin perempuan macem gitu? Cari gih sono.. bilang aje kalu ude bosen me aye huh!”, timpat Pok Mine kesel.
“Ye kagak begitu dong Mine, pan elu bini Abang nyang paling boto, masak sik Abang kudu ninggalin elu nyang kagak ade duenye”, rayu Bang Madun sambil nyowel dagu bininye nyang ude mulain keliatan asem.
“Lagian neh, kalu menurut Gue, sebage ustad kan harus ngasi contoh ke murid-muridnye. Nyontoin pegimane carenye nahan hawe napsu. Kan kate Nabi kite aje pan kalu kite napsu ame perempuan di jalanan atawe di tempat mane aje kite kudu musti buru-buru pulang ke rume.. kerne ape nyang dimilikin ame perempuan entu pasti dipunyain juge me bini kite di rume tul nggak Nyak lu?”, tanye Bang Madun sambil ngedipin matenye ke arah bininye nyang mesam-mesem.
“Iye be, lagian emang ape kurangnye ustadzah Nengsi sih? Ude anak kyai, bise ngasi anak banyak, hartenye banyak, alim lagi. Tampange juge kagak kalah cakepnye ame tu jande nyang jadi muridnye ustad Duloh. Ape atu aje masing kurang?”, timpal Rukoye sambil dimonyong-monyongin mulutnye tandenye diye lagi keki ame orang nyang lagi diomongin.
“Tu kan Mine, Koye.. mangkenye Babe bilang. Ngaji entu bukan cuman surat dan pinter ngomong ame punye elmu banyak. Guru ngaji aje belon tentu sanggup ngamalin elmu Qur’an. Kite eni selain punye elmu syareat.. atu lagi nyang kudu kite bise amalin neng.. IKHLAS. Ikhlas ame rejeki yang kite dapet walaupun ude jauh ikhtiar nyang kite ude jalanin, ikhlas ame bini nyang ade, pokoknye ikhlas ame nyang ude kite dapetin deh..”
“Tapi, bukan berarti kudu ikhlas ame nurutin kepengenan abang buat bebini lagi pan?, kalu nyang entu sik salah Abang.. kudunye mah Abang nyang ikhlas punye bini man atu.. cakep lagi..”, kate Pok Mine sambil begaye di depan anak ame lakinye.
Iye.. Iye.. Pokonye elu nomer atu deh Min.. nyang ono pastinye nomor dua kan…”, ledek Bang Madun sambil siap-siap kali-kali aje Pok Mine jadi gemes terus kepengen nyubit pinggiran perutnye.
“Tuh kan Abang ude mulain lagi DASSAAR.”
“Nyak, semalem makan ape sik pagi-pagi bute ude gerendengan aje kendirian. Lagi ribut ame Babe ape?”, tanye si Rukoye sambil ngangkutin ember plastik pating ngejemurin cucian tadi. Baju bagian belakange keliatan basah kene cipratan cucian sewaktu diye ngejemur tadi.
“E.. Koy, enyak bilangin ye ame elu, enti kalu elu nyari laki jangan ke Babelu tuh. Baru timbang punye duit lebih aje ude kepikiran buat nyari bini lagi. Waktu masing dedemenan dulu bilange aje paling setie mo nungguin ampe Gue tue. Na jebule baru timbang urusan tane encang Juki lu tembus eh je ude berandei-andei punye bini bahenol. Amit-amit cabang bayi deh.
Bang Madun nyang sedari pagi ngedengerin bacot bininye dari dalem kamar sontak aje bangun dan ngegulung kaen nyang barusan dipake keredongan seabis diye sembayang subuh. Lantas aje, Bang Madun maranin bininye sambil ngucek-ngucek matenye nyang ketutup ame belek. “Eh Rukoye, jangan percaye omongan Enyak lu tu, sape nyang punye niat mo kawin lagi? Elu juge Mine.. masa’ omongan orang becande aje lu masupin di ati. Enti kalu ampe kedengeran ame Nya’ Gaye ame Babe Kodir pan bise berabe. Bise-bise gue dipecat jadi mantu. Paye juge lu ah”, komentar Bang Madun sebel.
“Lha entu nyang semalem Abang omongin ke aye pake bawe-bawe masalah ustad Duloh nyang kawin lagi ngedapetin muridnye nyang jande ape maksudnye? Nape pake bilang ke aye kalu ngedapetin bini secakep kaya’ bini mudenye ustad Duloh juge abang mau?” , tanya pok Mine membele dirinye.
“Lha, Abang pan cuman bilang lelaki mane sik nyang kagak mau ngedapetin bini kayak bini mudenye ustad Duloh, mane lagi tuh perempuan cakep, alim, anak turunan orang kaye dan terpandang, pinter, bekas model lagi. Kan jarang ade nyang mau orang perempuan ke gitu mau dijadiin bini kedue, bukane ngomongin Abang mo kawin lagi..” sambutnye Bang Madun ngeyakinin bininye nyang mulai sewot.
“Emange, Abang bener mau ngedapetin perempuan macem gitu? Cari gih sono.. bilang aje kalu ude bosen me aye huh!”, timpat Pok Mine kesel.
“Ye kagak begitu dong Mine, pan elu bini Abang nyang paling boto, masak sik Abang kudu ninggalin elu nyang kagak ade duenye”, rayu Bang Madun sambil nyowel dagu bininye nyang ude mulain keliatan asem.
“Lagian neh, kalu menurut Gue, sebage ustad kan harus ngasi contoh ke murid-muridnye. Nyontoin pegimane carenye nahan hawe napsu. Kan kate Nabi kite aje pan kalu kite napsu ame perempuan di jalanan atawe di tempat mane aje kite kudu musti buru-buru pulang ke rume.. kerne ape nyang dimilikin ame perempuan entu pasti dipunyain juge me bini kite di rume tul nggak Nyak lu?”, tanye Bang Madun sambil ngedipin matenye ke arah bininye nyang mesam-mesem.
“Iye be, lagian emang ape kurangnye ustadzah Nengsi sih? Ude anak kyai, bise ngasi anak banyak, hartenye banyak, alim lagi. Tampange juge kagak kalah cakepnye ame tu jande nyang jadi muridnye ustad Duloh. Ape atu aje masing kurang?”, timpal Rukoye sambil dimonyong-monyongin mulutnye tandenye diye lagi keki ame orang nyang lagi diomongin.
“Tu kan Mine, Koye.. mangkenye Babe bilang. Ngaji entu bukan cuman surat dan pinter ngomong ame punye elmu banyak. Guru ngaji aje belon tentu sanggup ngamalin elmu Qur’an. Kite eni selain punye elmu syareat.. atu lagi nyang kudu kite bise amalin neng.. IKHLAS. Ikhlas ame rejeki yang kite dapet walaupun ude jauh ikhtiar nyang kite ude jalanin, ikhlas ame bini nyang ade, pokoknye ikhlas ame nyang ude kite dapetin deh..”
“Tapi, bukan berarti kudu ikhlas ame nurutin kepengenan abang buat bebini lagi pan?, kalu nyang entu sik salah Abang.. kudunye mah Abang nyang ikhlas punye bini man atu.. cakep lagi..”, kate Pok Mine sambil begaye di depan anak ame lakinye.
Iye.. Iye.. Pokonye elu nomer atu deh Min.. nyang ono pastinye nomor dua kan…”, ledek Bang Madun sambil siap-siap kali-kali aje Pok Mine jadi gemes terus kepengen nyubit pinggiran perutnye.
“Tuh kan Abang ude mulain lagi DASSAAR.”
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The relative complexities of men's and women's style
Both men and women may feel the pressures of maintaining their wardrobe up-to-date and in time, yet men's fashion frequently feels a lot less complicated. Of program, for both sexes, garments and style options may be quite as elaborate, and there are numerous'stylish'things that could rapidly become fashion faux pas - who is able to say they often times see people running around in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's style features a few staple goods that will exist forever - which man is planning to keep an eye out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Pick traditional pieces, colours and materials and you'll never seem out-of-place.
Why basic men's fashion is amazing
The common man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous types for different situations, nevertheless they are all popular in their pursuit of a smart, sharp try to find the wearer. The great thing about classic style for men is that it's efficiently fashionable effectively cool. A well-groomed lady can almost always appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the design of such clothing. A suit will be used to work in many jobs due to the professional search it provides to the individual, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Equally a suit will undoubtedly be utilized to several social situations, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This amazing flexibility that allows matches to be utilized in nearly all situations is what gives it its timeless advantage and a permanent place in men's fashion.
Contemporary movements in traditional men's fashion
Although common men's designs will never be replaced, it is interesting to observe that shifts in men's fashion trends have brought particular traditional garments back in fashion. The acceptance of vintage clothing, specially, has had back a wide-variety of classic types into men's closets, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to make reference to men who dress yourself in a classic yet expensive way, operating in a sophisticated approach and placing value on appearance. This pattern for almost'over-the-top'traditional fashion for men is apparent from events including the'Tweed Run', where men and girls of all ages dress in significantly Victorian-style outfit and decide to try the roads on vintage bicycles - with most of the men sporting remarkable mustaches! That is just one single of several examples of data presenting the resurrection of such types. Additionally, there are numerous blogs on the web which focus on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire internet sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in providing articles on basic men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, though specific issues with traditional men's fashion can be brought back as new styles, the essential clothes which they are based on will never fall out of fashion.
"All it takes really are a few basic outfits. And there is one key - the easier the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion retailer with a complex perspective.
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For instance, an $eighty therapeutic massage could be obtained by the customer for $forty by means of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would break up the $forty. That is, the retailer offers a massage valued at $eighty and will get about $20 from Groupon for it (under a fifty%/fifty% split). Or, if $240 actually value of home painting answers is purchased by the consumer for $fifty through Groupon, then the business gets $20 5 and Groupon retains $twenty 5. The customer gets the therapeutic therapeutic massage, or the residence portray service provider, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they at 1st compensated $forty (or $50) to Groupon. There are specified organizations to which Groupon initially did not offer you its organizations, such as shooting ranges and strip golf equipment nevertheless, using pictures ranges have been showcased on Groupon.
Not like classified promoting, the merchant does not spend any upfront expense to participate: Groupon collects person information from inclined buyers and then contacts only people clients, largely by day-to-day email, who may possibly probably probably be fascinated in a specific items or solutions.
Groupon employs a large amount of copywriters who draft descriptions for the bargains highlighted by e mail and on the net web site. Groupon's promotional textual content for the 'deals' has been witnessed as a contributing factor to the acceptance of the internet website, featuring a exclusive mix of complete simple fact-examining and witty humor.
Owing to Groupon's industry at present getting primarily composed of female consumers, the bargains are normally concentrated on the well becoming, wellness and elegance marketplaces.
There are feasible difficulties with the organization item. For occasion, a efficient supply could briefly swamp a tiny organization with way too quite a few shoppers, jeopardizing a likelihood that buyers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be ample product to meet up with up with the need. Hole, a substantial garments retailer, was able to take care of 445,000 price cut codes in a countrywide deal (even with the simple fact that it experienced server difficulties at one certain point), but a smaller sized firm could grow to be all of a unexpected flooded with clients. A one espresso store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an improve in customers for a few months, when it marketed close to to 1,000 Groupons on the 1 working day it was presented, in accordance to a solitary report. In reaction to equivalent issues, Groupon officers condition that 'deal' subscriptions should to be capped in advance to a realistic variety.
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